exception at hotelmary.eu on 2024-10-10 08:09:32

site is in debug mode - everybody can see this page
If you don't want this , but still want to see exception messages, put your ip in DebugIps list, and set Debug=False in SiteSettings.py
Requested path : /book
Client ip :
User Agent : CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)
Postdict :

Session :
_permanent : True
lang : en
ip :
ua : CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)
url : https://hotelmary.eu/book
dt : 2024-10-10 08:09:32.222057
ut : 1728536972
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/sites/hotelmary/lib/core/SiteBuilder.py", line 92, in BuildPage
    response = madpyObject.handleReq()
  File "/var/sites/hotelmary/lib/core/MadpyObject.py", line 264, in handleReq
    responses = self.ContentHandler.dispatch()
  File "/var/sites/hotelmary/lib/core/DispatchObject.py", line 158, in dispatch
    response = function( *args , **kwargs )
  File "/var/sites/hotelmary/plugins/book/BookKeeper.py", line 386, in search
  File "/var/sites/hotelmary/plugins/book/BookKeeper.py", line 301, in initModel
  File "/var/sites/hotelmary/plugins/book/BookKeeper.py", line 269, in initHotelData
    self.Storage.Select( self.HotelModel)
  File "/var/sites/hotelmary/lib/madata/Postgres.py", line 291, in Select
    rows,message = self.DBTool.executeReadCommand(sql,values)
  File "/var/sites/hotelmary/lib/tools/DBTool.py", line 129, in executeReadCommand
    timeout( self.Cursor.execute , args=(command, params) )
  File "/var/sites/hotelmary/lib/tools/DBTool.py", line 61, in timeout
    raise it.result
  File "/var/sites/hotelmary/lib/tools/DBTool.py", line 41, in run
    self.result = f(*args, **kwargs)
psycopg2.errors.UndefinedColumn: column "bank_account_sms" does not exist
LINE 1: ...l_url,image0,image1,image2,bank_name,bank_account,bank_accou...